1. Read Netiquette for Kids
2. Choose one of the netiquette rules that you feel students violate the most
3.Create a storybook that younger students could read to learn about the netiquette rule you chose.
Your book must include:
Define the Rule
Give at least 2 examples of the rule
Be creative!
Your book might get picked!
Email your book to:
1. Choose a video from below and watch more on cyberbullying
2. Read Sondra's Story. Click on link below.
3. Imagine you see a cyberbullying situation. Create a card to help stop it.
a. The card can be for the target, the bully, or someone seeing the cyberbullying.
b. It can give them advice, give them action steps, or just say something nice that will make them feel better.
c. It should be colorful and creative and use both words and images.d can
1. Read Top Ten Tips to Stop Cyberbullying from the link below
2. Choose one tip and create a flyer that could be shared with your school to inform others about the tip
Email your flyer to: