1 Read
2 Consider the information provided in this article about the negative mental/emotional impact of too much screen time on teens.
3 Consider the information provided in this article about the negative physical impact of too much screen time on teens.
4 Create a graphic or poster showing the negative impacts on both mental/emotional and physical states of teens because of too much screen time.
5 Then, provide ways that teens can overcome these negative impacts on their mental/emotional and physical health.
6 Then take a picture or share your digital graphic link in an email to DigCit@ssisd.net
1 Read
2 After reading this article complete the following:
Looking at the bullets at the end of the article, think about what are practical (things that are realistic for parents and their children, and would be easy and fair to implement) options in this list.
Once you’ve decided which you think are practical, think about why you think these are practical suggestions to parents and their children.
3 Create a presentation giving your suggestions on practical ways to help students navigate screen time and why you think these are good suggestions from a student.
As you work, think about creating a presentation you might give to your guardian or a school administrator.
4 Share your presentation to DigCit@ssisd.net