Protecting Your Privacy

Formal vs. Informal Communication

Social Interactions

Teens Are Forced to Communicate Without Their Phones

Secret Rules of Teen Texting

Do any of the tips surprise you?
Is there anything that you try to do on a regular basis?
Are there some things on the list that you have never thought about doing?
Use the templates to write an example of an informal and formal text message.

Then write an example of an informal and formal email.Remember to include and consider your audience as you compose your messages.

  1. Click to read Snapchat’s Privacy Policy.
  2. After reviewing the policy, answer the 3 “ASK” questions.
  3. Email your answers to

Choose one of the three “Social Interaction” videos.

Create a digital poster that sums up the information in the video you chose.

Think of your digital poster as an advertisement for the video.

It should convey information without too much text.

Get to the point and use graphics.


Focus Element

Video - digital Communication Skills

Essential Question

Video - Dangers of online gaming

Essential Question

Video - Private and personal information

Online Safety

Essential Question

social interaction videos

Video - How to type an email to your teacher

show what you know

Essential Question

discussion Question